News literacy

Sign up to our email lessons or browse through our interactive resources to sharpen your critical thinking and navigate the news in a healthier way.

Why this matters

Whether you actively or passively follow the news, grasping the keys to navigate information online can help you approach news in a serene way.

You'll learn to not jump to hasty conclusions, distinguish opinion from interpretation, fact from fiction, consider the nuance of truth and sharpen your critical thinking, which will serve you in all walks of life.

Lessons straight to your inbox

  • Email lesson sample displayed on smartphone.
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  • Email lesson sample displayed on smartphone.
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  • Email lesson sample displayed on smartphone.
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  • You've got mail!

    10 lessons, 10 days, 10 minutes each day. Ideal as an introduction to the subject.
  • Methodic learning

    Each lesson will edge you closer to understanding the multiple factors at play when we consume news online.
  • Critical thinking

    Develop your ability to analyse, question and reflect , the key to healthy relationship with news.
  • Take things further 🎓

    The learning resources below were made for a learning environment, with many prompts to go further and deeper into the subject. The perfect complement to the email lessons.

    Anyone with an interest is encouraged to browse, engage and learn. At your own pace.

    Who, What, When, Where

    • Who this is for

      • Citizens confused by current events
      • Citizens aiming to filter the flow of info
      • Citizens wishing to sharpen their critical thinking
      • Teachers looking for resources for their students
    • When

      Inputting your email below triggers the flow of emails. You’ll then receive one lesson each day for the next 10 days, plus one preamble and epilogue. You can browse the resources at any time, no sign up required.
    • What topics are covered

      • The scientific method
      • Statistics & neutrality
      • Algorithms
      • Misinformation, disinformation
      • Fakes, deepfakes & conspiracies
      • (Un)conscious biases
      • Experts & commentary
      • And much more!
    • Where

      Only an email address and first name is required to sign up for the email lessons. You can also freely browse and share the interactive resources.
    Built on Unicorn Platform