Email lessons and workshops to develop your critical thinking. Learn how to navigate the news in a healthier way and develop a clearer understanding of our democracies.
What reading the news on the web is like...
... A confusing mess!
Misinformation, disinformation, superficial,
out of context...
No wonder we no longer know what to believe!
Throughout our lives, we’ve developed our critical thinking, helping us analyse, evaluate, judge and take the best course of action.
This becomes more difficult on the web where content plays on our emotions and impulses to click and react instantly, especially in the polarising field of politics.
We therefore need to rewire our critical thinking into dealing with the noise of the web.
Why we need to develop our critical thinking
We are badly equipped with dealing with the new age of information we live in, accessible 24/7 through our smartphones.
It leads to:
News Pitfalls
Incomplete reading of events
Rabbit holes of misinformation
Polarising and stereotypical views
Democratic apathy
Voting on wrong premises
Sidetracked into inaction
Increased abstention
Bad internet habits
Constant checking of phone stress
Cycle of negative news anxiety
What we offer:
Email courses and workshops to develop your critical thinking. Sign up now or learn more on the links below.
“Made me think of many things that I deep down know, but have lost along the way. Like the negativity bias, which unfortunately is a big one for me.
The layout of the info in each part was pleasing on the eye and well written.”
- David, Lawyer
“I see great potential to use this with my students when I teach my next critical thinking class.
A tool like this is sorely needed. Thank you for taking the initiative to create something that points us towards civility and sensibility.”
- Alanda, professor
“Very well put together. As a progressive who is overwhelmed by the atrocities occurring in my country I am obliged to keep watching and listening to the facts.
Your course was quite informative and thoughtfully laid out. I appreciate your efforts.”