This podcast looks deeply into the topic, approaching and understanding it through different angles in a balanced and nuanced way. Personal stories are heard to highlight the humanity of immigration while data and academic research provide us with much needed oversight. Episodes are short and accessible.
We are badly equipped with dealing with the new age of information we live in, accessible 24/7 through our smartphones.
Our critical thinking, that helps us analyse, evaluate, judge and take the best course of action, is clouded by the noise of the web where content plays on our emotions and impulses to click and react instantly, especially in the polarising field of politics.We had barely been speaking for a few minutes, but I already knew where he was going when he bluntly asked me the question. I had just given a workshop and the man came up to me, eager to talk.
How do you approach someone who believes in conspiracy theories? The least productive is to try to change their minds. Views can be deeply entrenched, the result of years or decades of reinforcement and it is not one conversation that will change that. It is better to acknowledge that they are simply seeking to understand the world, but somehow got lost along the way, filling the unknown with unproven hypotheses.
My job is therefore not to change their mind, but to plant a seed...Yes, these are real quotes, by real people ๐